Disintermediated Solutions to efficiently resolve substantial disputes without enormous legal fees and other burdens.
Case studies
EnsureResolve encourages a robust exchange of ideas on topics of interest to those who wish to examine how disintermediation can be used to simplify the legal process. We will post Commentary on various topics, including case studies, reports, opinion pieces, and other content. Some pieces will be real-time ongoing case studies and for that reason will be posted to function as dynamic “draft works in progress” until the study is concluded. We encourage our readers to comment on works in process so they may be revised in content and direction when appropriate. We also solicit our readers to suggest topics for future Commentary, to author and refer pieces to include in Commentary, and to comment as they wish in the hope that they will provide important insights and information. Comment Boxes are available below and at the end of each piece.
Table of Contents:
- Case Study #1— The Insurance Industry and COVID-19 Claims—How a Disintermediated Solution Can Sustain a Socially Essential Industry and Adequately Compensate Policyholders By Eliminating Unnecessary Middlemen
- Case Study #2—Early Disintermediation Of The Insurance Industries’ Claim Dispute Process—Elements to Eliminate And What It Can Learn From Other Industries
- Case Study #3—Disintermediation Of The Legal Process 2020 And Beyond—Elements to Eliminate And What It Can Learn From Other Industries

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