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VetusOnline.com – dedicated Online supplyer of Vetus nautical equipment. BPSE2. Bow thruster touch panel type. Built-in time lapse device when reversing
Low prices from Vetus-Shop.Com on Vetus Bow thruster touch panel with time delay by Vetus (part no. BPSE2)
The Vetus BPSE2 bow/stern thruster control panel features directional control buttons, time lapse when changing direction of rotation,
Part#: BPSE2. Retail: $316.00 Price: $237.00. Bow thruster touch panel with time delay. Call For Availability! Quantity: Estimate Shipping.
Support & manuals. Zekering tbv BPSM, BPSE2, BPJE2, BPJDE2. User manual Bow and stern thruster control panels BPSE2, BPJE2, BPJDE2, EZDOCK2
vetus® Operation manual and installation instructions bow thrusters BOW5512D and BOW5524D. BOW5512D – 55 kgf – ø 150 mm – 12 Volt.
The Vetus BPSE2 side mount bow thruster touch panel features directional control buttons, time lapse and auto switch-off. Watertight protection to IP65.
In need of service or support for your VETUS products? You can watch installation or product videos, download manuals and other technical documentation and
Vetus BPSE2 Control panel for electric bow/stern thrusters. Add to Basket BPSE2 £180.00 inc VAT. Vetus BPJE2 Control panel for electric bow/stern thrusters.
VETUS. BPSE2 Remote Control Panel with Rocker Switch vetus – Remote control panel BPSE2 / rocker switch Manual .PDF, 354,88 KB Item no.: 58757
VETUS. BPSE2 Remote Control Panel with Rocker Switch vetus – Remote control panel BPSE2 / rocker switch Manual .PDF, 354,88 KB Item no.: 58757
BPSE2. THRUSTER. EZDOCK2. BPSE2. BPJE2. BPJDE2. BOW. STERN vetus. THRUSTER. 85 mm (31/32″) x 85 mm (3¹32″). (1). EZDOCK2. 24 vetus.com. 85 mm (31/32″) x. -